Lloyd’s Antiques


英国法人 NAR 2021.02.11

Victorian Era - ヴィクトリア朝時代 -

ロイズ・アンティークスの英国法人NARのジェームスです。 英国アンティーク家具を語る上で欠かせない、ヴィクトリア朝の時代、ヴィクトリンスタイルについてお伝えします。 ヴィクトリア女王は1837年から1901年までイギリスの王位にあり、現在に至るまで私たちの最も長い君主でした。彼女の治世は、技術革新、デザインや生産における大きな技術的飛躍と重なります。また、イギリスの植民地拡大の時期でもあったため、活用可能な資源が大幅に増加し、その結果、家具デザインも多く生み出されました。これらは、新たな富やトレンドなどを示し、最高の新デザインを住居に取り入れたいと考えた新興中産階級による爆発的な需要を満たしました。 このヴィクトリアンのシフォネアは、白い大理石トップと対照的に、ローズウッドの突板を使用しています。シェイプしたフォルムには、オーナーのセンスと成功を反映した、精巧でありながらも味わい深い彫刻が施されたミラーバックが付いています。

Queen Victoria was on the throne of England between 1837 to 1901 and until our current Queen was our longest reigning monarch. Her reign coincided with great technological leaps forward in innovation, design and production. It was also a time of great colonial expansion for Britain and so there was a massive increase in the materials available and so consequently a large growth in the quantity and variety of furniture designs in production. These were made to satisfy an explosion in demand from a newly emerging middle class who wanted to buy the best new design for their homes which showcased to the world their new found wealth, taste and refinement. This Victorian chiffonier features luxury woods in the rosewood veneers which contrasts with the white marble top. The shapely form is embellished by elaborate, yet tasteful carved mirror back which reflects the taste and success of its owner.


ヴィクトリア朝の治世は長く、創造性と革新性が爆発的に高まっていたため、ヴィクトリアンは様々なスタイルで表現されます。しかし、ヴィクトリアンのデザインと品質を際立たせる重要な特徴が、世界中から調達した最高の素材が使用されていたことです。家具のデザインは非常に高く評価された産業と言え、最も成功した有名な芸術家、建築家、実業家や時代の思想家などを惹きつけました。 おそらく最も有名なのが、「役に立たないものや、美しいと思わないものを、家に置いてはならない」と言ったウィリアム・モリスです。生産品質は、伝統的な職人の工法と新しい技術や機械の導入を組み合わせ、非常に高く実現されました。

Victoria's reign was so long and there was such an explosion of creativity and innovation that there is not a single, all encompassing Victorian style but a range of styles and movements. However, there are key characteristics which set Victorian design and quality apart. The best materials sourced from around the world were used. Furniture design was a highly regarded industry and attracted some of the most successful and famous artists, architects, industrialists and thinkers of the era. Possibly the most famous of which is William Morris who said "have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful". The quality of production was very high combining the best of traditional craftsman's construction methods and the employment of new technologies and machinery.




The cultural peak of the Victorian era was The Great Exhibition in The Crystal Palace, London of 1851. The exhibition was for countries from around the world to display. However, Britain aimed to prove its own superiority and won awards in every field where strength, durability, utility and quality were concerned. 6 million people visited the exhibition and the profits from it were used to found the Victoria and Albert Museum, The Science Museum and The Natural History Museum in London. Therefore the exhibition was successful in it's aim of showing that technology was the key to a better future. However, it also shows that the legacy of good design and production values has have far reaching consequences. We are still benefiting from the legacy of The Great Exhibition whether it be through the institutions that were established in it's wake or the furniture it inspired which we can still live with and draw inspiration today.


《英国法人 NAR》

Nottinghamshire, UK
  • Chiffonier シフォネア

    IC001506 W1620 D520 H2000

