Lloyd’s Antiques


英国法人 NAR 2020.08.05


ロイズ・アンティークスの英国法人NARの、ジェームスとポールです。 今回、はじめて日本の方に、私たちのことを紹介したいと思います。 私たちは二代目のアンティーク・ディーラーで、一貫してアンティーク家具の世界でキャリアを重ねてきました。 ジェームスは学校を卒業し、オーストラリアとアメリカを旅して見聞を広めた後、アンティークの世界に足を踏み入れました。父が立ち上げたアンティーク家具事業に参画し、事業の中核を担うようになりました。 ポールはシェフィールドの大学で学んだ後、自身のアンティークビジネスを立ち上げ、ジェームスと取引を行っていました。 時を前後して、英国で幅広く買付を行っているロイズ・アンティークスと知り合い、関係が強くなって三者は切っても切れない間柄となりました。

Lloyd's Antiques principle supplier of English antiques is NAR which is run by James and Paul. Both are second generation antique dealers who have spent a lifetime exposed to and immersed in the world of antiques and antique dealing. Before entering the Antiques trade both broadened their horizons, James by travelling in Australia and America, Paul by studying in Sheffield. After his travels, James joined the family antiques business working alongside his father to help supply antiques around the world. It wasn't long before James was managing the operation and Lloyd's grew and became the main customer and focus of the operation. Meanwhile Paul left university and set up his own antique business and began selling to James.


ジェームスの父の引退後、ジェームスとポールとロイズ・アンティークスの三者が力を合わせ、英国法人 NARを立ち上げる決断をしました。


This arrangement continued for many years. Recently, after the retirement of James' father, James and Paul started a new business with the help of Lloyds Antiques in order to continue supplying Lloyd's with the very best of English antique furniture. James has an expert understanding of the Japanese market for English antiques. He has also assembled a skilled team of specialist restorers and polishers working using traditional methods to restore our furniture to the highest possible standards, exclusively for Lloyd's Antiques. Paul is in charge of supply and offers an unparalleled range of stock due to his extensive connections and vast knowledge and passion.



Supplying Lloyd's Antiques offers a unique set of challenges. Lloyd's offer a much better quality and diverse range of antiques than almost any antique business in the world. Finding suitable pieces can be demanding, but it is a challenge which we relish and enjoy. The standard of restoration demanded by Lloyd's is above and beyond the levels expected by most customers. However, we like Lloyd's believe it is of the utmost importance that customers can buy our furniture with the confidence that it is durable as well as good quality. Much of our furniture is 100 years old. After our restoration process and with care our furniture will endure and delight for another 100 years.

ロイズからは、日本のものづくりの原点である"Kaizen"という言葉を学びました。私たちは決して満足することなく、これからもお客様へのサービス向上に努めます。ロイズ・アンティークスは、お客さまのニーズを第一に考えお客さまのために最高のものを求めているため、共にビジネスを行うことをとてもチャレンジングに感じてます。私たちも、常に最高品質を、高い基準で提供し続けることを目指しています。 私たちは、ロイズ・アンティークス製品がこの困難な時代を超えて、そして将来も長年にわたってアンティーク家具を愛する方々と歩んでいくことを信じています。


Lloyd's introduced us to the Japanese concept of "KAIZEN", ensuring we never become complacent and keeping pushing to improve every aspect of our business and our service to Lloyd's Antiques and their customers. However, we always aim to raise to the challenge by continually providing the best quality and range of furniture and a superior standard of restoration. For these reasons we believe that Lloyd's Antiques products will continue to be popular through these difficult times and for the future.


《英国法人 NAR》

Nottinghamshire, UK